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Version: 5.x

Building the application

For Windows
conda activate env-electron-python
cd ./src
python -m PyInstaller pysoda/ --distpath pysodadist

# To build only
npm run build-win

# To build and publish
npm run deploy-win

On Windows, once the Python code is packaged, make sure the pyzmq.libs folder is included in pysodadist/api before going on with packaging the app. If not, make a copy of the pyzmq.libs folder from C:\your_account\Anaconda3\envs\{environment name}\Lib\site-packages and paste it in the pysodadist/api folder.

For macOS
conda activate env-electron-python
cd ./src
python -m PyInstaller pysoda/ --distpath pysodadist

# To build only
npm run build-mac

# To build and publish
npm run deploy-mac
For Linux
conda activate env-electron-python
cd ./src
python -m PyInstaller pysoda/ --distpath pysodadist

# To build only
npm run build-linux

# To build and publish
npm run deploy-linux

Package electron app

You can use the predefined build script to create a release for the app.

  • Windows:
npm run build-win
  • MAC:
npm run build-mac
  • Linux:
npm run build-linux

If there are any errors, please check your build settings in the package.json. For more information regarding the build process and all the possible configuration options please refer to electron-builder documentation.

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