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Step 4 - Specify high level metadata files

Click on the applicable panel to include the high-level metadata files of your choice. For example, to include a submission file in your dataset, simply click on the submission panel and you will be taken to a separate page to either import or drag & drop your file into SODA. Click Confirm to finish the importing process. To remove a metadata file you previously imported, click on the corresponding panel and click Remove.


submission, dataset_description, subjects, and README.txt files are mandatory for all datasets. The samples file is mandatory if applicable. The other files are optional.

If you specify a code high level folder at Step 2: Specify high-level folders, you will be able to import the code-related metadata files: code_description, inputs_metadata, and outputs_metadata.


If you start with an existing local or Pennsieve dataset that has existing SPARC metadata files, these files will be automatically extracted and loaded here. Replace these existing files by uploading new ones or simply remove them from this step if required.

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